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Appraisals confirm state overpaid for parking garage, perhaps 10 times too much
State officials paid $23.3 million for a Hartford parking garage despite an appraisal suggesting the garage was worth less than one-tenth that amount. Prior to purchasing the Morgan Street Garage from the Hartford Parking Authority, the state hired two firms to...

Government Shutdown Actually A Marginal Reduction in Spending, Taxes
You often don’t know the value of what you have until it’s taken away from you. In the words of the Counting Crows, “You don’t know what you got till it’s gone”. If age-old wisdom and 1990’s rock bands are correct, then Americans still have no idea what government is...
Connecticut business tax climate remains in bottom 10
The Tax Foundation again ranked Connecticut’s business tax climate as among the worst in the nation, including the second-worst rating on property taxes. Connecticut rose one slot from 43 to 42 in the 2014 ranking released Wednesday. Two years ago the state...

Hartford is a small orange compared to the Big Apple
Before making any more comparisons between Hartford and the Big Apple, take a look at this modified map of Connecticut. New York City is more than 17 times the size of Hartford. Overlaying NYC on the state of Connecticut reveals that the city would cover from Windsor...
New Haven clerk never played for Knicks, corrects error
New Haven City Clerk Ron Smith admitted to Raising Hale in January that he never played for a the New York Knicks, despite claims in a biography on the city website that the team drafted him. At the time, Smith called the information in the biography a “big...
Both New Haven candidates want pension reform
The two remaining candidates for New Haven mayor share the belief that the city’s pension system needs reform, although they disagree on what specific changes to make. Both New Haven pension funds, one for police and firefighters and another for all other city...
Four times a charm? Wind power regulations go before legislative committee – again
The Connecticut Siting Council will propose regulations governing the construction of wind farms for the fourth time Tuesday. The Siting Council reviews proposals to develop power plants, hazardous waste facilities, electric transmission lines and cell phone towers....
Six degrees of separation: Esty’s co-author consulted for group that started company that hired Malloy
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Dan Esty wrote a book, Green to Gold, with Andrew Winston. Andrew Winston once consulted for GreenOrder, according to an old version of the company’s website archived in a discussion group....

Lost election allows Republican state representative to collect pension and salary
The pension system meant for state employees in Connecticut also generously benefits legislators. Despite working part-time for sessions lasting only a few months, each year in the legislature is worth the same amount toward a state pension as a year of full-time work...
McMahons to host fundraiser for Gov. Christie
Linda and Vince McMahon will host a fundraiser for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie next month, featuring possible Republican candidate for governor Tom Foley and his wife, Leslie. The reception will take place at the McMahon’s Greenwich residence on Oct. 6. Also...