New Haven City Clerk Ron Smith admitted to Raising Hale in January that he never played for a the New York Knicks, despite claims in a biography on the city website that the team drafted him.

At the time, Smith called the information in the biography a “big blunder,” yet the inaccurate information remained on the city’s website until Thursday.

Anna Mariotti, New Haven’s communications director, said she was unaware of the error until asked about it yesterday.

“I have verified the information that is incorrect with Ron Smith and will have it removed from his biography,” Mariotti said.

The updated biography does not have the two references to the Knicks, “Upon graduation, Ron was drafted to the New York Knicks” and “At the end of his tenure with the Knicks.”

Smith did not win the Democratic endorsement for city clerk this year. He is running as an independent against Michael Smart, who won the Democratic primary.

The New Haven Independent reports a third candidate, Sergio Rodriguez, recently dropped out of the race.

Although he never played for the Knicks, Smith said he did try out for the team twice.