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Document Dump: Jackson Lab agreements with UConn Health Center
Gov. Dannel Malloy’s 10-year, $291 million agreement to subsidize a genomic medicine center in Farmington built by the Jackson Laboratory is complex, involving multiple state agencies. Connecticut Innovations, the state’s venture capital agency, made several...
How much stuff does the state own?
Connecticut taxpayers own $23.2 billion worth of stuff, including more than $10 billion of infrastructure, a quarter-million acres of land and fine art worth almost $100 million, according to the state’s property inventory for 2011. Comptroller Kevin Lembo’s office...
Is early release of prisoners the safe choice for Connecticut?
Just over a year ago the Connecticut General Assembly passed a controversial law allowing the early release of prisoners who show good behavior and participate in rehabilitation programs while serving time. The bill, which passed along party lines, allows non-violent...
DECD did not estimate jobs impact of First Five deal with CIGNA
State economic development officials ran 10 simulations to estimate the job creation impact of extending between $50 and $80 million to CIGNA in return for moving its corporate headquarters to Connecticut, but according to their testimony to Is over-processed on free...
Document dump: DOT emails about New Haven highway interchange
In 2010, the Department of Transportation awarded its largest contract ever: $356 million to rebuild the interchange of I-91, I-95 and Route 34 in New Haven. DOT awarded the contract, part of a $2.2 billion plan to rebuild the Q Bridge, to a joint venture of O&G...

Conn. AG hires consultant to review potentially improper foreign exchange costs
Lawyers for the state are reviewing more than a decade of foreign-exchange transactions on behalf of the its pension funds to determine whether the it should sue to recover improper charges. Attorney General George Jepsen engaged a Darien-based consulting firm last...
Shared Sacrifice or Sham?
City Journal published my op-ed yesterday about Gov. Dannel Malloy’s failing plan to save money from the state employee unions: Delivering his first budget address as Connecticut governor in February 2011, Dannel P. Malloy described the principle that would...
Conn. teachers unions getting a political return on investments
According to the Wall Street Journal, the two largest teachers unions spent $330 million on politics and peddling influence between 2007 and 2011. “Some of the spending that the two teachers unions identified to the Labor Department as ‘political and lobbying’...
Wearing red – Future Conn. labor commissioner promotes solidarity with striking Chicago teachers
Sharon Palmer – Communist award winner and vice president of American Federation of Teachers Connecticut – will become Connecticut’s labor commissioner on Oct. 5. In her leadership role with AFT, she emailed the union’s membership Tuesday asking them to support...
COMMENTARY: Big-spending farm bill won’t help Connecticut farmers hit by drought
“Never let a good crisis go to waste,” former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel famously advised. Governor Daniel Malloy and Congressman Chris Murphy seem to take this advice to heart: with more than half of the country recovering from drought, they are calling...