The Connecticut Society of Professional Journalists awarded Raising Hale first prize in the in-depth series category for online media for its three-part series on the legislative redistricting process in Connecticut.

Connecticut SPJ announced the award at its annual dinner Thursday. The SPJ website has a complete list of award winners.

The first article, Census announcement kicks off redistricting process, explains the nuts and bolts of how the General Assembly draws lines for Congressional districts and the districts of its members.

The second article, Redistricting 2001 came down to the wire, remembered as intense but cooperative, is a historical look at the redistricting process 10 years ago.

The final article, 2nd District will shrink in size, 4th will get geographically bigger based on 2008 estimates, used recent population estimates to anticipate the changes needed during the 2011 redistricting process.

Raising Hale published the articles, written by Zachary Janowski, Dec. 21, 22 and 23. Raising Hale has also covered the release of Connecticut’s 2010 Census data and a report on what states will lose and gain Congressional seats.