House Republican Chief of Staff George Gallo resigned last week after the Federal Bureau of Investigation subpoenaed his correspondence, among other documents.

The investigation reportedly dates back to September 2013. CTNewsJunkie has the subpoenas here.

There is not a lot of information related to Gallo’s campaign consulting firm, The Vinco Group, online. According to a 2005 report by the Office of Legislative Research, the campaigns of William Aniskovich and Mark Diebolt paid Vinco during the 2003-04 campaign cycle.

The FBI drew attention to two companies that have worked extensively for Republican campaigns in the state.

Republican campaign expenditures with Direct Mail Systems since 2008: $514,933.82. (See the list here.)

Republican campaign expenditures with King Strategic Communications since 2007: $351,312.35. (See the list here.)

The FBI also asked for information related to House Republican Office contracts with direct mail vendors. Each caucus has its own direct mail contract.

For the entire General Assembly, these mailings cost  an estimated $160,000 in fiscal year 2013. The previous year, they cost about $270,000 and $160,000 in 2011.

House Republicans used The Pyne-Davidson Company in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Senate Democrats used the same company in 2011. They switched to ABC Printing in 2012.

Senate Republicans switched to Pyne-Davidson in 2013. Previously, they used ABC Printing and Imperial Graphics.

House Democrats used Phoenix Press in 2011 and GHP Media in 2012 and 2013.